Welcome to Southam Gardening Club - a new club run by keen gardeners with an aim to form a fun and informative club that encourages local people to get together for a gardening chin wag in a relaxed atmosphere. We will have monthly garden-themed meetings with speakers, Question Time, quiz nights, visits to member's gardens, field trips and fund raisers. No matter how big or small your garden, how little or much you know, if you have an interest in gardening come along...
Friday, 10 May 2013
Southam Gardening Club - Graham Adams Centre, St James Road,Southam.
Our next meeting is on the 20th May at 7.30pm.
The speaker this month is Jeff Bates - English Gardens.
I have lots of horse manure, some well rotted with no straw available for collection from Tomlow, nr Napton FOC bring own bags or trailer. Email allhire@hotmail.co.uk
I have lots of horse manure, some well rotted with no straw available for collection from Tomlow, nr Napton FOC bring own bags or trailer. Email allhire@hotmail.co.uk