Friday, 24 February 2012

March 2012 Newsletter

Unfortunately we had to change our speaker for January meeting. John Carrier gave a excellent talk on Sweet Peas - we all came away very much informed about the many varieties of these flowers and how to successfully grow them.

Our speaker for February was Glennis Dyer from the NGS ( National Gardening Scheme) she gave a talk and a slide show on gardens in England.

Future dates for your diary:-
19th March Helen Wilson Pruning and Minimal Gardening

16th April Tony Russell Trees for your garden in the 21st Century

21st May Chris Goodman Inspiring Annuals and Perennials

21st June Outing

Visit to Trentham Gardens and
Woollerton Old Hall Gardens, Staffordshire
21st June 2012
An opportunity to visit these outstanding gardens in rural Staffordshire has been arranged in conjunction with Offchurch Gardening Club.
Travel from Southam by private coach, leaving at 8.30am, to Trentham Gardens and have lunch there. Bring your own picnic or packed lunch, or if you prefer a sit down meal, then we may arrange a lunch (price to be determined) either at the Gardens or in a local hostelry.
Then travel to Woollerton Old Hall Gardens for an afternoon visit and maybe treat yourself to a cream tea. Returning home early evening.
Cost is £27 – being £17 for the coach and £10 joint admission ticket to both gardens (really good value)
Name    ........................................................................................

Membership No. ................................       No of people .............

Address (if not a club member)  ...................................................
Post code .......................................... Phone No...........................
Please note that priority will be given to club members if numbers exceed seats on coach
Payment enclosed of  £27 per person – Total £ ...................
Cash/Cheque made payable to “The Southam Gardening Club”
This is a firm booking – unfortunately there will not be a refund if you make a cancellation
For more information please contact Ann Forster 813074, Lesley Smith 813896 

16th July Bev Mumford Talk on Gardens at Galanos House

Planning for our 2012/13 season is going really well and we are arranging for some very interesting talks. If there is a topic you would wish to be covered please let us know and we will see what can be arranged.
It is our intention to keep using Galanos House for our future meetings as the facilities are good and we will continue to offer transport to those who have difficulty getting there.
And finally some more good news, Russells Nursery at Baginton are offering club members 10% discount on plants and other items joining Bridge Nursery, Green Leaf Nursery and Farnborough Nursery who also give the same discount. Remember to present your membership card (you may be asked for proof of identity as well) at the checkout.
For more information about any aspect of the club please contact Ann Forster - 813074, Lesley Smith - 813986 or Pip Birnie - 07510 272124

TOP TIP from Gloria Fox 

  • Cats don't like snakes. Buy some plastic ones from a toy shop and put them in your garden.